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Lark’s Advanced Supported Employment is an enhanced version of our supported employment services. This service includes discovery, job development, systematic instruction to learn the key tasks and responsibilities of a job and intensive job coaching and supports to help you to retain employment.

Advanced Supported Employment services include discovery, job acquisition, and job retention.

  • Discovery is a key component of Advanced Supported Employment. Discovery is a targeted service for individuals who wish to pursue competitive integrated employment but, due to their disability it is difficult to get to a deeper understanding of their skills, preferences, and potential contributions through typical assessments.Discovery includes the following activities:

    • Observation of you in familiar places and activities;

    • Interviews with your family, friends and others who know you well;

    • Observation of you in an unfamiliar place and activity;

    • Identification of your strong interests and existing strengths and skills that are transferable to integrated employment or self-employment;

    • Identification of conditions for success based on experiences shared by you and others who know you well, and observations of you during the discovery process.

  • Job Acquisition uses the job development period to individualize an employment relationship between you and a possible employer by negotiating on your behalf to match the needs of the employer with your assessed strengths, skills, needs, and interests. Organized instruction of the job will also be provided to you to support your success.

  • Job Retention includes intensive job coaching to support you in meeting the employment expectations, performing the business functions, and addressing any issues that may arise. Lark also provides travel training and diversity training to the specific business in which you are employed.


Eligibility for Advanced Supported Employment is limited to individuals whose preferences, skills and employment potential cannot be best determined through traditional, standardized means due to the impact of their disability.


Advanced Supported Employment services are provided in a variety of community settings. This service may not be provided to you in an Adult Training Facility or a Vocational Facility. This service may be delivered to you in a residential habilitation service setting.


Advanced Supported Employment staff members (employment specialist and supported employment job coaches) have specialized training in employment in community-based settings and hold Association of Community Rehabilitation Educators (ACRE) Certification. This enables the staff to be highly qualified in the Association of People Supporting Employment First (ASPE) nationally recognized first formal set of competencies for employment providers. These competencies cover the knowledge and skills needed to work effectively in the field of employment for people with disabilities. ACRE refined and expanded ASPE competencies to allow for multiple approaches to employment for people with disabilities, including competitive employment, Customized Employment, supported employment, and small group employment.


Supported Employment staff members also have PA mentorship training in order to provide advanced supported employment for Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) and Discovery and Customized Employment for the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR).


Supported Employment is funded through your County of Residence Mental Health/Development Services (Base Founding), ODP Waiver Services, (Person/Family Directed Support Waiver, Consolidated Waiver, Community Living Waiver) Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) or private pay.

For further information, please contact:

Wendy McCutcheon

Senior Director of Support Services

Office: 724-657-2001
Fax: 724-652-6538


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